Monday 19 September 2016

South Sudan added to Africa Puzzle

Only a country since 2005 so I can be forgiven for missing it first time around

Now added

Sunday 11 September 2016

Africa puzzle finished

There is a lack of photos for the next stage which was to stick 3mm MDF to the back of the puzzle, followed by the drilling of a 3mm hole in each of the 42 pieces and gluing a small peg into each one.

There are 3 countries that I deemed to small to cut on a puzzle this size, The Gambia, Lesotho and Swaziland. Their outlines have been drawn.

I have not added the country names to the backboard. Some countries are just to small.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Started the African Map Puzzzle

Kids are back at school so I can make progress on the African Map Puzzle.

First job was to cut the ply as large as possible.

This is the largest I can cut out on the scroll saw

Next stick painters tape to surface of the ply. This blue tape is dual purpose. It lubricates the blade and reduces the chances of burning the wood as it cuts and it facilitates the removal of the pattern.

The pattern is then stuck on top of the blue tape ready for cutting out


Cutting out completed.